Nothing to do with books but this sign in a shop made me laugh. I actually don't like buying shoes. Books make me happy. But I'm still quite superficial. Whatever.

I didn't take the very chunky
Come in Spinner with me to Singapore - not a good fit in the hand luggage. Instead, my book companion was Peter Carey's
True History of the Kelly Gang. But I didn't read much - we went to bed very early in Singapore (very un-Singaporean, it would seem!).

This food court, called
Food Republic was quite eye-catching, decorated as if it were a gigantic library. The decor was quite a bit better than the food we had but we found plenty of nice food elsewhere.

A pathologist I met at the courses I attended in Singapore was quite a reader also. We got chatting about books and she's read Christina Stead. We both agreed that
For Love Alone was an appallingly sad book. She'd tried to read
The Kelly Gang but couldn't get into it.
I bumped into a old colleague at the course who was carrying around several books - on his phone! He largely reads e-books now but wasn't able to find The Kelly Gang as an e-book. So paperbooks get to live another day. David reckons his family's book consumption has sky-rocketed reading e-books. They still buy the occasional "trophy book" to put on their shelves!
Meantime, for me it's back to finishing off Come In Spinner, although I would say that progress will be slow for the next little while as we gear up to move house in about 9 days!