So I finished
They're a Weird Mob. Such a good book and one that should be read by every new Australian. There is sage advice in this book: learn the lingo and fit in and everyone will be happy to call you mate. I then read the recent Booker prize winner by Julian Barnes,
The Sense of an Ending. There was an horrendous waiting list for this book in the library so I bought myself a copy. It's a slight book and a bit midde aged-geezer-navel gazey to be perfect. But it is a good morality tale that has a knock out ending that ever-so-subtly sneaks up. Kind of cool. It would probably reward a second read.

Now reading
Of a Boy, a large print edition, which is always a bit of an odd experience. This book is about 3 children who go missing on their way to buy icecreams and about an 8 year boy who lives with
his grandmother because his mother is sick, an alcoholic I think. He lived with his father for a while but now he's living with his Grandmother (not Granny or even Gran) who is feeling well past her use-by date for bringing up another child. Also at home is Uncle Rory who is housebound ever since he crashed his car and killed the mate who was his passenger. He paints at home and otherwise appears unable to bring himself to leave the house. It's sad and disturbing so far. Too many damaged people and when they are kids, it hurts especially.