I've been flip flopping around a bit with books since finishing
Eat Lolly, which was a story about an eating disorder. Lolly for Lola, the girl in the book. There was nature v nuture at play in that Lola had an absent but knownto-be mentally odd father and a very much present and food-obsessed but increasingly distant and cold mother. Perhaps not surprising given her own mother and father had banished her to an island to be a single mother at the age of 18 (so as not to shame Daddy, the respectable GP). Anyway, I then dipped into
The Fortunes of Richard Mahony, but it was just too dense a read for me to cope with just now (work becoming all consuming again!) being three books in one and it's a library loan. I began reading
Illywacker which is hilarious and mine but again, a massive read and then found the
Cambridge Companion to Australian Literature in the library. Reading the sections on fiction has been a good way to place into context some of the books from the FAN list and is also a good prompt as to what other things are worth reading. But here I go off the track again: sorting my books out to get the FAN books together on the shelf, I found Ruth Park's
Sydney which I haven't read yet but will now - as Keith and I debate the merits of visiting Sydney for a few days in July after I attend a course!

Why is this picture on its side? |