Saturday, November 12, 2011

Forward to the Ice Station

Was never really engaged by The House of Balthus which I (blessedly) finally finished just before getting off my return flight from Melbourne today. Apparently, in this book, "characters from the artist Blathus' paintings walk out of the canvas and take on a life of their own..." but sadly - it just didn't click with me. Guess I can't like them all!

Wonder if I will have better luck with Ice Station. Matthew Reilly's new book Scarecrow is selling well, according to The Age's book stats I flicked through briefly today.

Monday, November 7, 2011

March, Little Women, House of Balthus

I finished March yesterday. The blurb on the back of the book indicates that March is the story of the absent father in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women! Which I haven't read but it is available free and now downloaded onto the iPad!

I've read a little of it already but have now started The House of Balthus - a slim volume for easy packing for my trip to Melbourne in a couple of days... but I will be packing a couple of other slim volumes, again in anticipation of reading time aplenty in Melbourne.