Things We Didn't See is decsribed as "a...trip through a variety of dystopias - " which are defined as imaginary places where everything is as bad as possible. Well, that about sums it up! This book is about a future Australia that I hope we never have to live through. And thankfully, according to the back cover blurb, when I finish the book, I will put it down "feeling something close to hope".

Here's my junior book buddy reading one of the 10 books he picked up at the library - this is one of the "Aussie Nibbles" books which are great little chapter books for early readers. Note the fire in the background - how nice is that to be reading by the fire with my gorgeous little boy!
Another post script: in front of us, returning her books at the library yesterday, was an elderly lady who had a door-stop of a Bryce Courtenay book amongst her returns. I asked her the title but she explained she couldn't remember, her brain feeling a bit knocked around by her first lot of chemotherapy. She went on to say that reading Courtenay's books was "quite addictive" but suggested that I don't start with The Power of One. OK!
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