I was even moved to a few tears last night as I neared the end of the second novella. Julie had taken her children to a very small shanty Aboriginal settlement in the Cape. She'd "abandoned" her children largely to the disinterested care of her dreadful, filthy rich, crass developer husband whom she'd recently left, finally unable to live with his serial infidelities. Anyway, one holiday weekend, she scooped up her three kids, bundled them into a caravan and drove them up to the far north; then blew their minds with a few days at an unofficial mission run by three nuns in this tiny, run down place on the coast. Julie's youngest, some sort of child genius described as eight going on eighty, turned to his Mum and asked her - Mum, why are these people so poor? A few days in that environment had taught them all so much and brought them closer together as a family. Did it for me!
So now, to Holden's Performance. Holden is a person's name I think. But the title still brings to mind a car when I read it ...
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